Sunday, May 29, 2016

Cris Reviews | Crest Pro Health HD

  I actually wanted to try out the new Crest Pro Health HD Toothpaste system, I am all for it. I am not be a smoker, but I'm a dedicated coffee drinker and my teeth definitely aren't as pearly white as I'd like them to be. A toothpaste system that promises to make my smile 6x healthier and whiter in just a week? Yea, I was down for that.
Dubai ties can buy this online in Desert cart, Amazon and few other online websites. cost around 70aed to 90aed. I am reviewing based on the overall internet reviews of several bloggers.

The system is comprised of two steps. The first tube has a purifying cleaner that helps to strip away plaque and leaves your teeth feeling clean and fresh. It's a green paste with the consistency of your typical Crest toothpaste but did leave my teeth feeling much cleaner. Step 2  is a clear perfecting gel that polishes and whitens your teeth. The system calls for you to brush your teeth for 1 minute with each step, without rinsing between, for a one-two punch. 

I one of those people who definitely doesn't take care of their teeth the way they should. I almost never floss, I love sugar and I don't ever brush for the full, dentist-recommended 2 minutes. But with this system , It pretty much forces you to be good and care for your teeth the way they deserve.After all you are spending those money .Lol. Yes, having to essentially brush your teeth twice, back-to-back, is tedious. But I've heard that from the first day people could see and feel results.

  Reviews are like teeth feel so much healthier and stronger! And thought they still aren't pearly white, they're getting there. People almost feel like you get the same results in color improvement in one week of use that you get from one whitening tray or White strips treatment. Though unlike with White strips you don't experience the jaw-numbing sensitivity that makes you want to rip your own teeth out, and you are actively fighting gingivitis and doing something good for your chompers. i heard that there is a tiny bit of sensitivity the first few times you use the system but it passes in less than a minute and goes away after the first couple of uses.

So, even though having to brush my teeth with two different pastes is a little bit tiresome i thinki might totally stick with it. Making our teeth feel healthier and if the color is improving day by day . What could be better than that?
I am going for it. 

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